EPA: “The war on coal is over”
Published by Angharad Lock,
Digital Assistant Editor
World Coal,
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt recently met with the Congressional Coal Caucus and carried with him the message from President Donald Trump that the war on coal is over.
Some of the changes EPA has made from the last administration include:
- On 28 March, President Donald Trump visited EPA headquarters where he signed the Executive Order on Energy Independence, which calls for a review of the Clean Power Plan. The event signalled a commitment to the rule of law, cooperative federalism, and sound scientific rulemaking at EPA.
- Following this, Administrator Pruitt sent a letter informing governors that EPA does not expect the states to dedicate resources to complying with the Clean Power Plan rule, a rule that has been stayed by the Supreme Court of US.
- On 13 April Administrator Pruitt toured the Harvey Mine in Sycamore, Pennsylvania, the largest underground mine in the US. Administrator Pruitt went underground to tour the mine and met with miners to learn firsthand about their work.
- EPA also announced the agency’s decision to review the final rule that amends the effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the steam electric power generating category under the Clean Water Act (ELG Rule), which has been estimated to cost US$480 million per year and has a reported average cost of US$1.2 billion per year during the first five years of compliance.
- Shortly thereafter, on April 20, Administrator Pruitt visited the Thomas Hill Energy Center in Missouri, a rural electric cooperative that supplies energy to a vast swath of Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma.
These actions and others by the Trump Administration and the new EPA provide coal-producing states more certainty and assurance that the United States will rely on a diversified portfolio of energy production to achieve greater energy independence and grow America’s economy.
"The war on coal is over," stated EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt after meeting with the Congressional Coal Caucus. "Those that generate energy across America are doing so with a commitment to being pro-environment and pro-growth. The days of having to choose between those two things are over. This administration says we can and we will achieve both a healthy environment and a growing economy."
These changes in policy have been welcomed by Members of Congress and the Congressional Coal Caucus.
“After eight years of devastating attacks on the coal industry from the Obama administration, it is a great relief to have a leader like Scott Pruitt in charge of the EPA. He understands that we can protect our air, land, and water without picking winners and losers in our economy,” said Congressman David McKinley (WV-01). “In our meeting with Administrator Pruitt, he articulated his vision to pursue environmentally friendly policies that won’t attack the tens of thousands of coal miners who work so hard to power this great country. We are grateful for his willingness to work with our caucus and we look forward to strengthening our partnership on a wide range of issues that impact the coal industry.”
“I look forward to working with Administrator Pruitt, and others at the EPA, to make the EPA more efficient and to recognise that we can work towards cleaner air, cleaner water, and cleaner coal use without killing as many jobs in coal and other industries,” said Congressman Morgan Griffith (VA-09) following Monday’s meeting.
“Administrator Pruitt’s eagerness to engage with lawmakers has been a breath of fresh air here on Capitol Hill,” commented Congressman John Shimkus (IL-15). “I appreciate his willingness to meet with the Coal Caucus today, and to listen to our stories about the communities in our districts that have been devastated by the previous administration’s anti-coal agenda. Working together both legislatively and through administrative actions, I’m optimistic that this Congress and this Administration can and will protect our air and water without sacrificing jobs and affordable energy.”
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcoal.com/coal/24052017/epa-the-war-on-coal-is-over/
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