CIL invests in eco-friendly coal transportation
Published by Will Owen,
World Coal,
In a push towards eco-friendly coal transportation, Coal India Limited (CIL) has planned a capital investment of around Rs. 24 750 Crores in 61 first mile connectivity (FMC) projects. These projects will be introduced in three phases, and combined will have a capacity of 763.5 million tpy when completed.
FMC projects involve the transportation of coal in mechanised piped conveyors from production point to coal handling plants/silos with rapid loading systems, where coal is loaded directly into rail wagons.
“It is essential that coal transportation is environment friendly to improve the quality of life of people living in the proximity of coalfield areas. FMC projects offer benefits like suppression of dust pollution and carbon emissions. They also reduce the load on road transportation leading to safety. Other benefits include precise quantity and quality coal is loaded for consumers with minimal manual intervention” said a senior CIL official.
35 FMC projects under the first phase having 414.5 million tpy capacity account for Rs. 10 750 Crores. Eight projects of 112 million tpy capacity are already operational. CIL is gearing up to commission 17 more projects of 178 million tpy by FY24 end. The remaining 10 projects, comprising 124.5 million tpy capacity, are expected to be operative by FY25.
The second and third phase projects account for 9 and 17 respectively. While their respective evacuation capacities are 57 million tpy and 292 million tpy, the investments sequentially, would be about Rs. 2500 Crores and Rs. 11 500 Crores.
Under the second phase 5 projects of 21.5 million tpy capacity under construction are expected to be commissioned by FY 2025. Remaining projects are in different stages of progress with tenders issued and bid document under preparation.
For the third phase, tenders have been floated for three projects of 65 million tpy capacity. Nine projects are to be executed through mine developers and operators. Phase three projects are anticipated to be commissioned by FY29.
Initially, CIL targeted coal mines with a production capacity of 4 million tpy and above under the first phase. After a pilot study conducted through NEERI on potential advantages of FMC projects, in two major OC projects, reflected a sizable reduction in CO2 emissions, air pollutants, ambient noise levels, and significant savings in diesel costs, CIL expanding the ambit included mines producing 2 million tpy and above in subsequent two phases.
Total eco-friendly coal evacuation would go up to 914.5 million tpy when all the 61 projects become operational by FY29, including the earlier capacity of 151 million tpy.
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