Dneprotyazhmash presents 2020’s second coal charging car
Published by Jessica Casey,
World Coal,
JSC ‘Dneprotyazhmash’ has recently held a ceremony of presentation of a second coal charging car, manufactured in 2020, for the customer, Yuzhkoks, and other industrial partners. This machine, being made in a record time period of less than 3 months, will be used for the charging of coal burden into the coke ovens of 21.6 m3 volume.
In early March 2020, the company supplied a similar coal charging car to another leading Ukrainian metallurgical company, Zaporizhia Coke. Meanwhile, in order to comply with the coke production technology of the customer, the machine featured the following technical modernisations:
- Application of pneumatic system for cleaning / charge coal collapse inside hoppers.
- Presence of overhead crane for gas ducts servicing.
- The lower part of the hopper telescope is made in the shape of a floating cone in order to prevent spillage of charging material.
- Application of weight measuring equipment within charging hoppers.
Dneprotyazhmash invited leading metallurgical design and engineering companies from Ukraine for the ceremony, including Metinvest-Engineering, SE Giprokoks and Ukrainian representatives of Danieli and Primetals.
They had chance to see applied design solutions in person that will allow the customer to prolong lifetime of systems, spares and machine as a whole to decrease power consumption of the equipment, and to make operator’s workspace as comfortable as possible.
The Engineering and Technological Institute (PKTI), a part of Dneprotyazhmash, constantly creates new and modernises the company’s existing range of products for coke oven batteries, making those better adapted to a customer’s technologies and modern world challenges.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcoal.com/coal/08092020/dneprotyazhmash-presents-2020s-second-coal-charging-car/
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