Solntsevsky coal mines opens oil analysis laboratory
Published by Jessica Casey,
World Coal,
The Solntsevsky coal mine, one of Vostochnaya Mining Co.’s key production assets, has opened a laboratory for the analysis of technical fluids. A key area of the laboratory's work is monitoring the technical condition of mining equipment units and assemblies using the modern automated MicroLab 40 complex. This will increase the service life of vehicles and keep them in working order.
Monitoring the condition of mining equipment components and assemblies will lead to an increase in the service interval, which will entail a reduction in the time and cost of maintenance. Oil consumption and disposal costs will also be significantly reduced. The latter is important in the framework of the complex of measures implemented by the company in order to preserve the environment in the area of presence.
The laboratory monitors lubricants for all types of mining equipment used at the Solntsevsky coal mine: dump trucks, excavators, bull-dozers, loaders and graders. Also, modern equipment allows you to monitor the technical condition of cars and trucks involved in the technological process.
MicroLab 40 analyser is designed for early diagnostics of the condition of hydraulic system components, internal combustion engines and transmission elements. The laboratory allows you to get a detailed report immediately after the analysis of the sample thanks to the built-in intelligent peer review system. The data obtained as a result of the analysis is compared with the reference sample stored in the system memory. After that, a report is automatically generated, and detailed recommendations for further actions are given. The whole procedure is fully automated, due to which a high accuracy of the results obtained is achieved. The whole process from the start of the analysis to the receipt of the report takes no more than 15 minutes.
“We enter information about each machine into a single database, which allows us to see the results in dynamics and draw conclusions about the increased wear of the machine's components and assemblies in a timely manner. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid costly repairs and long equipment downtime,” commented the laboratory specialists.
Previously, all diagnostics were carried out on the basis of one of the laboratories located in Khabarovsk. Commissioning of its own laboratory and equipping it with an automated MicroLab 40 complex allows the company and coal mine to reduce additional financial costs for conducting samples in third-party organisations. The laboratory's capabilities helps to assist in the analysis of the technical condition of components and assemblies to contracting organisations that also carry out their production activities on the territory of the Solntsevsky coal mine.
Additionally, the capabilities of this laboratory enables the analysis of fresh oil for its compliance with all parameters on the basis of valid certificates, identifying substandard suppliers.
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