Indonesia coal news
Astrindo to acquire PTT Mining Ltd
PT Astrindo Nusantara Infrastruktur Tbk has acquired PTT Mining Ltd of Hong Kong, which currently owns coal concessions in Brunei Darussalam, Madagascar and three coal mines in Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Thiess awarded AUS$1.7 billion contract
Thiess has been awarded a life-of-mine contract to provide mining, rehabilitation and port management services by PT Kapuas Tunggal Persada and PT Tempirai Inti Energi in Indonesia.
Thiess secures MSJ contract renewal
Thiess has been awarded a three-year AUS$300 million contract renewal to provide mining services at Harum Energy’s Mahakam Sumber Jaya Mine in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
PT Kaltim Prima Coal granted special mining business permit
PT Kaltim Prima Coal has been granted a special mining business permit by the Indonesia government.
Indonesia lifts ban on coal exports
Reuters is reporting that Indonesia has lifted a coal export ban imposed on 139 companies.
Liebherr Indonesia announce long-term partnership
Liebherr Indonesia has recently entered its new business relationship with PT Karunia Armada Indonesia at the Tabang mine site in East Borneo, Indonesia.
Cokal provides BBM Project update
Cokal Ltd has completed the purchase of the Batu Luhung site and completed LiDAR and bathymetric surveys of the site.
Thiess secures Wahana renewal in Indonesia
Thiess has secured a three-year AUS$220 million contract renewal to continue providing mining services at PT Wahana Baratama Mining’s coal mine in South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Thiess introduces drones across Australian operations
Thiess’ surveying team has begun introducing the M300 RTK multi-rotor drone across its Australian operations.
BUMA signs conditional agreement for Downer EDI’s Open Cut Mining East business
PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk has announced that its subsidiary, PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama has entered into a conditional agreement with Downer EDI Ltd to acquire Downer’s coal mining contractor business in Australia.