Caterpillar coal news
Caterpillar announces new R2900 underground loader
The new Cat R2900 underground loader offers expanded emissions control options, enhanced cooling and ease of service.
Caterpillar announces platform for first battery electric underground loader
Caterpillar has announced that the new R1700 underground mining loader will serve as the platform for its first battery electric LHD.
New Cat® R1700 underground loader to boost productivity
Caterpillar launches a new underground mining loader that is designed to improve productivity and efficiency.
Caterpillar introduces tricone bits for rotary drills
The tricone drill bits are cost-effective for a wide range of drilling needs.
Cat® inverter-equipped drives boost longwall face conveyor and plow performance
Mark Sprouls, on behalf of Caterpillar, demonstrates how variable frequency drive technology can enhance the performance of longwall plow systems.
Cat teams up with FTP Solutions to increase mine network performance
Caterpillar and FTP Solutions have developed a cooperative agreement to deliver proactive monitoring and management of mining technology applications.
Caterpillar to supply complete longwall system to Coal India subsidiary
Caterpillar will supply a complete Cat® longwall system to Bharat Coking Coal Ltd, a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd, for the Moonidih metallurgical coal mine.
Caterpillar and Fortescue continue with autonomous truck fleet expansion in Australia
Caterpillar and Fortescue Metals Group reach an agreement for the expansion of Cat Command for Hauling at Fortescue’s iron ore mines in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
Cat D10 turns 40
40 years ago this September, Caterpillar rolled off of its production lines 10 pilot models of the world’s largest, most powerful dozer.
Caterpillar develops proof-of-concept battery electric LHD
The Underground Mining group within Caterpillar is preparing to ship a proof-of-concept battery electric LHD to a mine site located in Canada.