MCA report outlines the benefits of HELE coal-fired power plants
Published by Louise Mulhall,
Editorial Assistant
World Coal,
The Minerals Council of Australia has released a new report outlining why high efficiency, low emission (HELE) coal technology is part of Australia’s future electricity generation mix.
With the Australian Government identifying the need for a reliable, cost-effective and emissions reducing electricity grid, the report will further inform the debate about the nation’s future energy mix.
The key to a reliable electricity supply is ensuring that there is a prudent energy mix which avoids over reliance on weather dependent non-synchronous sources. Clearly recent events in South Australia demonstrate what happens when a dogged pursuit of one generation type is pursued.
The report, New generation coal technology, describes the benefits that nations are achieving in emissions reductions through building HELE coal-fired plants. HELE plants can provide reliable baseload power needed for industry and manufacturing and at a cost lower than any renewable option according to the Australian Power Generation Technology Report. The report notes that supercritical and ultra-supercritical plants have already reduced global output of CO2 emissions by over 1 billion t since 2000. Further, it says building more HELE plants that would improve the global efficiency rate of coal generators from 33% to 40% would reduce CO2 emissions by 2 billion tpy.
With over 1000 HELE units already operating around the world and more than 1200 planned or under construction, there are no barriers to the construction of a HELE plant in Australia.
Australia is the world’s largest exporter of coal and with substantial reserves of high-quality coal, it would be negligent not to take advantage of this resource to lock in our competitive advantage from a reliable and inexpensive supply of electricity.
The report can be downloaded here:
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