November 2016
The November issue of World Coal includes a Regional Report examining how political activism is undermining Colombian coal. Technical features include Underground Conveyors, Pulverisers & Mills, Intelligent Flow Control, Health & Safety, Slurry Handling, as well as general interest features on a new UK coal mine, coal’s role in energy security and the latest advancements made in microbial coal conversion.
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Coal News
Industry View: The Power Of Cost Curves
Cliff Smee, GlobalData, UK.
Under A Cloud
Amy Gibbs, JLT Mining, examines how political activism is undermining Colombian coal.
Bridling Colorado Coal Mine Conveyors
Blue Mountain Energy is using smart braking technology to control the longwall panel conveyors at its Deserado coal mine in Colorado.
Working In Tight Spaces
Waldemar Wójcicki, FAMUR S.A., Poland, examines the use of compact conveyor drives in underground mines.
A Clear Choice
Angus Macdonald, Lubrication Engineers International Ltd, UK, details ways enhanced open gear lubricants provide tangible benefits in heavy industry.
Intelligent Flow Control
Dr Neetin Lad, the Greenbank Group, UK, outlines the scope of a research project to develop intelligent flow control systems for coal-fired power plants.
Old Dogs With New Tricks
John Androvich, RCT, Australia, details how the company adapted two dozers at Alliance Partners Resources’ River View coal mine to accord with MSHA regulations.
Reducing Fatigue In Mines
Jennifer Choi, Cestusline Inc., USA, highlights the danger of fatigue in coal mining and illustrates ways to increase awareness of the root causes of fatigue through creating a fatigue management plan.
Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Joe Sander, ASGCO, USA, details the company’s ongoing commitment to providing solutions to operators with conveyor belt problems.
A Precise Approach
Jack Evans, Hawk Measurement (HAWK), USA, details technology advances to improve and optimise thickener performance.
UK Coal Lives On
Tony Lodge reports on plans to open the UK’s first new coal mine in 30 years.
Coal And Energy Security
The IEA Coal Industry Advisory Board recently released a report looking at coal’s role in energy security. The study’s lead author, Dr Hans-Wilhelm Schiffer, provides an overview of its findings.
Change Is Now
Rohit Vedhara, Aum Energy, Singapore, and Gary Love, Verso Energy, Australia, explain the company’s advancements in microbial coal conversion.
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