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May 2020

The May/June issue of World Coal features a report on the coal industry in Southeast Asia and Australasia. It also features technical articles on mine hoisting, room and pillar mining, trucks and tyres, ventilation and dust control, coal washing and separation and more!

This month's front cover is brought to you by Caterpillar Inc.

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Asia Still Coal’s Purple Patch
Tim Buckley, IEEFA, Australia, provides a report on the current state of the coal industry in South and Southeast Asia.

Lengthen Equipment Lifespans
John Abbott, Mark Doylen and Paul Jerks, Weir Minerals, Australia, detail how to select the right wear material and extend equipment lifespans.

Mind The Digital Gap
Thomas Boutaugh, PEC Consulting Group – PENTA Engineering Corp., USA, discusses the advances in technology in the underground coal mining industry since the 1970s.

Raising Resource Recovery
Paul Brodzik and Todd Burchett, Derrick Corp., USA, show how to maximise efficiency in resource recovery in the mining industry.

Is Bigger Always Better?
Todd Loudin, Flowrox, USA, weighs up the advantages and disadvantages of using larger filters and assesses the merits of new filtration technologies.

A Truck-Load Of Potential
Neil Ferreira (Modular Mining) and Gary Robertson (MineWare), USA, look forward to the mining industry’s future potential as mine ystems become more integrated.

Digital Plant Simulation
Wilm Schulz, Haver & Boecker Niagara, Canada, explains how to embrace diagnostics technology in order to maximise plant productivity.

Lower Your Heat Rate
Denny Nelson, Emerson, Sweden, explains how the level measurement provided by guided wave radar transmitters helps reduce the heat rate of coal-fired and combined cycle power plants.

Smooth Operations
Eric Tomicek, Australian Diversified Engineering, Australia, identifies the importance of maintaining mining equipment in order to avoid operational disruptions.

First In, First Out
Rebecca Long Pyper, Dome Technology, USA, describes the benefits of dome technology for dust management.

Sorting Silo Safety
Richard Spaargaren, ESI Eurosilo, the Netherlands, discusses a major shift to environmental safety in coal storage.

Opportunity Is In The Air
Kevin Summ, Anguil Environmental Systems, USA, outlines a solution for harnessing power from ventilation air methane.

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