March 2020
The March/April issue of World Coal features a regional report on the India, and why their coal supply chain must become more responsible. It also features technical articles on longwall mining, drill and blast, gears, motors and drives, IPCC and surface miners, truck and shovel mining, mine and power systems and cranes, grabs, loading and unloading.
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The Indian Imperative
Anne-Claire Howard, Bettercoal, UK, explains why India’s coal supply chain must become more responsible.
The Thrust of Controlling Dust
John Atkinson, Longwall Hydraulics, Australia, considers the importance of dust suppression in the mining industry and outlines effective methods of controlling dust.
Effective, Emulsion-Based Blasting
Baron Fidler, Dyno Nobel, the Americas, discusses how implementing emulsion technology helped improve a drill and blast operation.
Hydrodynamic Duo
Fabian Korb, J. M. Voith SE & Co. KG, Germany, outlines how up-to-date hydrodynamic solutions for mining drivelines enable operators to handle market transformation.
The Driving Force
Michael Myers, ABB, USA, identifies the key factors in a reliable bulk material conveying system.
IPCC – Worth Its Weight In Coal
Thomas Jabs, FLSmidth, Germany, explores the recent attraction towards in-pit crushing and conveying solutions for mining applications.
Tippers In The Cold
Ewelina Ptak, KH-Kipper, Poland, explains how to overcome the harsh, cold conditions faced by coal transporters every year.
The Ace Of Spades
Josh Swank, Philippi-Hagenbuch Inc., USA, explains how lowboy trailers can greatly improve shovel transportation.
Climate Change: What Happens Now?
Lars Schernikau, HMS Bergbau Group, Germany/Singapore, considers how climate change should be approached in relation to coal power.
On The Rails
Per Karlsson and Per Hansson, Siwertell, Sweden, explore how the company’s shipunloaders have fared at a Vietnam-based steel plant, 3 years on from their installation.
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