March 2018
The March issue of World Coal includes a regional report on Mongolia and the performance of Mongolian coal within the seaborne market. Technical features include: Slurry & Tailings Management, Conveyor Systems, IPCC & Surface Miners and Longwall Mining, which includes a round-up of longwall mining equipment by key suppliers in the industry.
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Mongolia’s Coal Journey
Di Wang, CRU, China, discusses the recent performance of Mongolian coal and whether Mongolian coal is and will be a competitor for the seaborne market.
A Novel Approach To Tailings Management
Julian McIntyre, Arq, USA, details the importance of mine tailings management and provides an overview of a new technology that is designed to reduce the volume of coal mine waste.
A Dry Run
Tara Haskell (BASF Australia Ltd.) and John Bellwood (BASF plc, UK), detail the successful implementation of high performance flocculant product for tailings dewatering at a coal preparation plant in Australia.
Driving Conveyors Forward
John Heritage, Baldwin & Francis, UK, details VSD technology developments for conveyors at coal operations.
Don’t Be Caught Off Guard
R. Todd Swinderman and Daniel Marshall, Martin Engineering, USA, report on the myth of ‘guarding by location’.
Delivering Results
Ulrich Mentges, thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions, Germany, outlines how strategic mine planning using a combination of cutting, crushing and conveying technologies can improve mining in alternating hard and soft rock formations.
Cut A Path
Jacek Korski, FAMUR, Poland, considers the differences between room and pillar and longwall mining, and highlights the future potential for fully mechanised longwall mining systems.
Longwall Mining Equipment: Suppliers Round-Up
A round-up of longwall mining equipment by key suppliers in the coal industry, featuring contributions from Caterpillar, Eickhoff, KAMAT and Komatsu.
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