European Green Deal starts at JSW
Published by Jessica Casey,
World Coal,
Each tonne of steel is made by using 400 kg of coke, which is produced from 560 kg of metallurgical coal. Every tonne of steel is the hard work of miners, cokers and steelworkers. Employees of Jastrzebska Spólka Weglowa mine coking, or metallurgical, coal. JSW is currently the largest producer of metallurgical coal in the EU, and will be the only one after the closure of the mines in the Czech Republic.
The role of the company, as well as the entire JSW Group, is unique – not only because of the importance for the regional labour market, but above all for the Polish and European economy. Metallurgical coal has been identified as one of the 30 critical raw materials for the EU, i.e. raw materials of strategic importance to the economy, with depleting resources and hard to replace. Especially since there are no alternative and economically-viable technologies for smelting steel without using coking coal. This is even more important as the time has come in Europe for environmentally friendly products, such as electric vehicles and windmills, and this means that the demand for steel will increase significantly. That is why we say that the European Green Deal starts with us – at Jastrzebska Spólka Weglowa, in the mines where coking coal is extracted and in the coking plants where coke is produced.
According to the World Steel Association, the average annual steel consumption per person in the world is 228 kg. Steel is used in transportation, where it is used to make rails and 17 million containers that are loaded onto ships and carry goods to every corner of the globe. An average passenger car consists of, among other things, 900 kg of steel components, and steel accounts for approximately 60% of the weight of such vehicle. The growing popularity of electromobility would also be impossible without steel, and thus without metallurgical coal. The same is true of wind turbines, where every component – from the masts to the rotor blades and generators – contains steel.
For many years the main buyers for the products of JSW Group companies have come from Poland, but also from Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. These are natural directions for the company's supplies, as these customers are closest to its mines and coke plants. But coal and coke from JSW are also shipped to several Asian countries. The documented recoverable reserves of coal amount to 1 billion t. The company continues to expand its resource base while paying special attention to environmental protection. Of the 47 important projects for JSW's development, 15 projects are related to environmental protection.
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