Allu M-Series shows worth in US clay mine
Published by Sarah Smith,
Assistant Editor
World Coal,
A US mineral company recently began using an Allu Transformer M 3-20 material processing attachment at its Middleton, Tennessee, US, montmorillonite clay mine. The company purchased the surface mining M-Series screener / crusher attachment from Allu to use fitted to its Hitachi 650 excavator. The attachment has been successfully used for over a year crushing mined clay down to minus 100 mm whilst simultaneously loading haul trucks.
Processing clay at a surface mine can be a problematic task at the best of times. But when the material is montmorillonite and 'difficult', things can get very complicated as the clay needs to be processed in order to become a valuable resource. The mining company in question, located in Middleton, Tennessee was faced with the decision to either buy additional land to mine, or purchase a piece of equipment to further aid its processing. This led directly to the mine looking at a new solution to get the clay off the boulders as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.
This led to the purchase of an Allu Transformer M 3-20, which has enabled the company to be able to access clay that it could not previously mine, as well as process clay from boulders. It has also enabled the company to mine land that was not currently being used, and process the waste material that was being stockpiled.
The attachment is a multi-faceted tool for mining and process industry applications. Powered by the carrier machine (an excavator or wheel loader of up to 160 t), the hydraulic attachment provides quick and efficient production techniques, solves chute blockages and other material flow problems, and easily assists with the processing and transport of wet, sticky or frozen material. By sizing material and removing problematic and damaging waste rock at the initial stage of the process, the Allu M-Series eliminates double handling of material and contributes to an operation's maximum efficiency. It also helps protect conveyor systems and primary / secondary material processing equipment, and ultimately saves time and money.
The attachment is able to effectively crush and load at the same time, which results in the Middleton clay mine benefitting from reduced cost and operational downtime, with a one-man operation being able to run the operation. Furthermore, the mine has directly benefitted from using material that was considered not useable, and the company is therefore able to mine existing areas, saving the mine from acquiring and striping additional land.
The Middleton Mine has used the M-320 for over a year, and encompasses it in its entire operation.
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