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Cleaner and cheaper coal power

Published by , Editor
World Coal,

Innovations that enable the use of lower-cost fuel and waste products have the greatest impact in reducing the levelised cost of energy (LCOE) at coal-fired power plants, according to a new report from KIC InnoEnergy and BVG Associates (BVGA).

The report looked at 40 European combustion system innovations for gas combined heat and power and coal-fired plants with the aim of identifying technologies that reduce the LCEO, allowing coal and gas-based power generation to better compete with cleaner power sources on the global energy market.

In the case of clean coal, the study highlighted the thermal pre-treatment of biomass and waste-based fuels, hybrid fuel combustion and fuel modification as the major innovations that would allow coal-fired plants to reduce their LCEO. According to the report adopting the technologies identified in the report could result in a 27% fall in LCOE by 2025.

“This report is important as it helps us to understand how to best enhance the capabilities of coal and CHP plants,” said Marcin Lewenstein, KIC InnoEnergy Thermatic Field Leader, Clean Coal and Clean Gas Technologies.

“The findings are paramount in showing how we can help improve the running and LCEO of existing infrastructure. The technologies identified will have a big impact on limiting coal emissions, making sure systems are safe and adapt to market challenges,” Lewenstein concluded.

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