SGC and OGK-2 agree on sale of Russian plant
Published by Elizabeth Cope,
Editorial Assistant
World Coal,
Siberian Generating Company (SGC) and OGK-2 (Gazprom Energoholding Group) have entered into an agreement to sell the Krasnoyarskaya GRES-2 plant in Siberia, Russia.
The total transaction value is approximately US$163 million (excluding VAT). It includes movable and immovable property of the power plant, coal inventory, spare parts and other materials and equipment.
The parties have begun the reregistration of the property, after which SGC will obtain the necessary licences and permits for the operation of the Krasnoyarskaya GRES-2.
During the transition period, OGK-2 will continue to operate the power plant. SGC is expected to begin operational management in the next 12 months.
SGC will provide the personnel of the Krasnoyarskaya GRES-2 with working conditions similar to the current ones.
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