SCCS welcomes Scottish Government’s publication of Climate Change Plan
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
World Coal,
Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) – a research partnership of British Geological Survey, Heriot-Watt University, University of Aberdeen, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Strathclyde – has welcomed the Scottish Government's publication of its Climate Change Plan, which sets out specific policies and proposals for meeting Scotland’s climate change targets, and placing Scotland on a global leadership path.
SCCS has said that it is pleased to see unequivocal recognition of the importance of CCS for reducing greenhouse gas emissions across Scotland, while adding that it sees CCS as the only way to decarbonise many industries and provide low-cost, low-carbon heat rapidly. The group has committed itself to helping Scottish businesses seize opportunities for CCS use.
Advocates of CCS believe that Scotland is uniquely well-placed to deliver it, on the grounds that Scotland has an offshore geology that is able to store CO2 securely for thousands of years, and expertise from the oil and gas industry will be able to develop commercial stores – a new offshore industry. In addition, existing offshore infrastructure – particularly gas pipelines – can be repurposed cost-effectively to carry CO2. The Scottish Government has recognised that the sustainable re-use of this infrastructure is part of a Just Transition, as are the opportunities to apply skills from the oil and gas sector to new markets.
When giving evidence on the draft climate plan to the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee, SCCS stated that CCS can also support the production of hydrogen rapidly at large tonnages and at low cost – providing a carbon-free fuel, which is ideal for heating homes and businesses and powering transport. The Climate Plan now has much more detail on the potential role of hydrogen in reducing Scotland’s emissions, removing some of the pressure from renewable electricity in meeting Scotland’s needs across the whole energy system.
Professor Stuart Haszeldine, Director of SCCS, said: “Carbon capture and storage can occur at large and small scale, nationally and locally, across the whole economy. We look forward to supporting the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan by innovating and assessing opportunities to develop demonstration and larger pilot facilities for CCS and CO2 utilisation in a swathe of industries across Scotland.
“SCCS will boost the Scottish Government’s ambitions to undertake just, rapid and practical climate action at accessible cost using CCS. Our expertise includes involvement in an EU-funded programme to accelerate CCS use across Europe, a key advisory role in the UK’s CCUS Cost Challenge Task Force, partnerships with business and technology, and an extensive knowledge of the CCS chain, including the necessary geology and technology and the links between policy, finance and regulation.”
The Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan can be downloaded here:
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