Minerals Council of Australia CEO stands down
Published by Louise Mulhall,
Editorial Assistant
World Coal,
Brendan Pearson will step down as the Chief Executive of the Minerals Council of Australia next month after more than nine years in senior roles with the organisation.
Brendan has been Chief Executive since January 2014, having earlier served as Deputy Chief Executive.
“On behalf of the Board of Directors and the MCA membership more generally, I would express my appreciation for Brendan’s contribution to the work of the MCA for more than nine years, including nearly four years as Chief Executive,” Dr Guthrie said.
“Brendan and his team have advanced the interests of the minerals sector significantly across a broad spectrum of issues. He led the MCA during a period of economic downturn in the sector and was able to maximise the organisation’s impact with forthright and thoughtful advocacy,” Dr Guthrie said.
A real privilege
Mr Pearson said it had been a privilege to hold senior leadership positions in the MCA during a period of significant challenges for the industry and the nation.
“I am especially pleased that we have built coalitions of interest across a range of policy issues and deepened and broadened our co-operation with the broad policy community. Consistent with the MCA tradition, our policy advocacy has been vigorous but constructive and evidence-based. The industry has been prepared to tell its story and articulate its case and it is important that this continue.
“Particular challenges to the coal, iron ore and gold sectors have been (and continue to be) met resolutely, while amalgamations with uranium and coal sector bodies have been productive. The mining and carbon taxes have been repealed, there is bipartisan support for the Fuel Tax Credits scheme and I am confident there will be much-needed reform of the GST distribution system over the next 12 months,” Mr Pearson said.
“It has been a particular pleasure working with an industry that makes such a strong contribution to regional Australia and one that leads all other sectors in providing opportunities to Indigenous Australians,” he said.
Brendan will leave the organisation in mid-October. David Byers will be Acting Chief Executive during the transition to new leadership.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcoal.com/mining/22092017/minerals-council-of-australia-ceo-stands-down/
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