CSIRO and Minalyze form strategic collaboration
Published by Harleigh Hobbs,
World Coal,
The Swedish-developed Minalyzer Core Scanner technology will be available to the resources sector exclusively from CSIRO, which is the first research organisation in the world with access to a Minalyzer Core Scanner in-house.
The Minalyzer Core Scanner provides rapid and non-destructive analysis of drill core in trays and other geological samples such as chips, pulps and pressed pellets using an x-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner, which gives multi-elemental chemical information on the sample.
Annelie Lundström, CEO Minalyze, said this engagement is a good opportunity to introduce innovations, CSIRO is taking on an important role in bridging between new technology and the industry.
According to Lundström: “Enhancing the geological data generated by the Minalyzer with the research capabilities and geological knowledge of the CSIRO has the potential to bring the exploration and mining industry to the next level”.
This unique rock characterisation instrument expands the suite of existing drill core scanners available at the Australian Resources Research Centre (ARRC) in Perth, Western Australia.
CSIRO Research Director, Dr Rob Hough explained this collaboration will form part of a broader platform for drill core characterisation services available at CSIRO’s ARRC laboratories.
"We are consolidating our expertise in mineral analysis by developing a Drill Core Laboratory at the ARRC which brings together technology developed for the METS sector, including geotechnical and hyperspectral core loggers, as well as the CSIRO-developed Maia Mapper system,” Dr Hough said. “The Minalyzer Core Scanner with its XRF capability will be a great addition to this suite of core scanning instrumentation”.
The Minalyzer Core Scanner will be available at CSIRO in Perth.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcoal.com/mining/04092017/csiro-and-minalyze-in-a-strategic-collaboration/
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