September 2022
Check out World Coal Issue 4 2022 for all of the latest insights from the global coal chain. This quarter we are pleased to present a regional report on Europe, containing all the latest information from Wood Mackenzie’s team of expert analysts. Also included is our usual range of technical articles, focussing this issue on Roof & Ground Support, Conveyors & Dust Control, Drill & Blast, Washing, and more.
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Guest Comment
World News
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European Coal Markets And The Scramble For Russian Import Alternatives
Natalie Biggs, Tony Knutson, Natasha Tyrina and Abhishek Rakshit, Wood Mackenzie, USA, discuss the state of the coal sector in Europe: what is happening, how we got here, and where current trends might be leading.
Two Sides To Every Story
Aiden Neary, Clean Coal Technologies, Inc., USA, weighs the pros and cons of the coal industry and how it can address the issue of dust.
Get A Handle On Conveyor Hazards
Bernd Küsel, CBG Conveyor Belt Gateway, Germany, evaluates hazards for steel cord conveyor belts.
A New Dimension In Blasting
Keiran Knowles, Orica, Australia, reviews some of the latest developments in blasting technologies for surface mining.
The Wonders Of Washing
Mick Naylor, Derek Parnaby Cyclones International Ltd, UK, considers the benefits of coal washing and outlines the key elements of two new washing plant installation projects.
Unlocking Pakistan’s Energy Potential
Ali Iqtidar and Malik Ihtesham Haider, Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company, Pakistan, outlines the development of the Thar coal mine project and how it aims to help bridge Pakistan’s power gap.
Foam For The Win
Tuz Caner and Jean-Luc Scmitter, Weber Mining & Tunnelling, explore the use of phenolic foams to prevent spontaneous combustion in the Soma region coal mines.
Bauma Preview 2022
Ahead of bauma 2022 in October, World Coal previews some of the companies that will be exhibiting at the Trade Fair Center Messe München.
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