May 2015
Russia and the CIS – particularly Kazakhstan – are the focus on this month’s regional report from Amy Gibbs and Daisy Jackson at JLT Specialty. Meanwhile, two articles on longwall mining from RungePincockMinarco and Joy Global, as well as a review of IBS Mining and Tunnelling’s new roadheading system for gassy coal miners from World Coal’s editor, Jonathan Rowland, set the scene for next month’s Longwall USA in Pittsburgh at which World Coal will be exhibiting. Underground mine ventilation, mine dewatering, dust control and flow control complete the month’s features line-up.
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Coal News
Industry View: Threat Or Opportunity?
Dr Thomas Hillig, THEnergy, Germany.
A Game Of Risk
Amy Gibbs and Daisy Jackson, JLT Specialty, UK, consider whether there is an opportunity to be seized if mining investors are prepared for political risks in Russia and Kazakhstan.
An Objective Selection
David McMillan, RungePincockMinarco, Australia, outlines an objective approach to optimising longwall panel width.
The Automation Connection
Jim Haughey, Joy Global, USA, examines the link between integrated longwall systems and increased safety and productivity.
Roadheading In Safety
A group of five companies led by IBS Mining and Tunnelling have developed a new roadheading system designed for use in mines prone to gas outburts. Jonathan Rowland visited Bischofsheim to find out more.
Reliable Ventilation Modelling
Thomas Imgrund, Axel Studeny and Artem Zitzer, DMT GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, explain how merging geotechnical assessment and ventilation planning is the key to reliable ventilation modelling.
Water: Nuisance, Hazard Or Opportunity?
Gareth Digges La Touche, Golder Associates UK, and Peter Lemke, Golder Associates Inc. (USA), discuss coal mine dewatering options.
When Dust Strikes
Daniel Marshall, Martin Engineering, considers the best dust prevention methods in coal handling operations.
Fog And Fence: Capturing Fugitive Dust
Richard Posner, Dust Solutions Inc., USA, examines how coal mine operators can use dry fog systems and wind screen systems to control fugitive dust.
Intelligent Actuation
Mark Clark, Rotork, UK, discusses the application of intelligent valve actuators in the coal mining industry.
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