June 2015
A regional report on South Africa, where a dismal recent economic performance and increasing political interference are dulling the country’s mining industry outlook, kicks off the June issue of World Coal. On the technical side, we cover underground personnel transportation, roof bolters, mining trucks, coal loading and unloading and coal dewatering. Finally, a special report looks are the importance of proactive water management in the coal mining industry.
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Coal News
Industry View: The Most Expensive Marketing Gimic
Russell Taylor.
Suppliers Round-Up
Throwing It Away?
Barry Baxter reports on South Africa’s coal industry.
Tough Enough
Phil Howell, Classic Motors, USA.
The Evolution Of The Underground Personnel Carrier
Michael White, Brookville Equipment Corp., USA.
Steering The Way
Radoslaw Michalak, FAMUR, Poland.
Skills And Safety
Hugh Pines, ThoroughTec Simulation, South Africa.
A Match Made In Mining
Josh Swank, Philippi-Hagenbuch Inc., USA.
The Creation Of Monster Mining Trucks
Peter De Clerk, Siemens.
Pristine Clean Diesel
Scott Grossbauer, Donaldson Co. Inc., USA.
Which Unloading System?
David Phillips, Heyl & Patterson Inc., USA.
Clever Gripping
Phillipp Helberg, Liebherr-Werk Nenzing, Austria.
Assessing Hyperbaric Disc Filtration
R. Drummond, W. Mackinnon and C. Sorensen, QCC Resources Pty Ltd, Australia.
Why Tailings Aren’t Boring
Scott O’Brien, McLanahan, USA.
Building Water Resilience
Ritva Muhlbauer and Nikki Fisher, Anglo American Coal.
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