December 2013
In this month’s issue of World Coal, the regional report focuses on South America, where Barry Baxter provides a detailed insight into the Colombian coal industry. World Coal talks to Geoff Knox, global CEO of GE Mining, about the company’s ambitions for the mining industry and its new products for the underground coal mining space. We also look at room-and-pillar mining, with lead features on continuous miners, feeder breakers, haulage systems, roof support & ground control, as well as solutions & services. The Industry View from Harry Kenyon-Slaney, Rio Tinto, discusses a so called ‘productivity boom’ as he looks at what 2014 may hold for the global coal industry.
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Coal News
Industry View: The Productivity Boom
Harry Kenyon-Slaney, Rio Tinto Energy, Australia.
Weathering The Storm
Barry Baxter provides a detailed insight into the Colombian coal industry.
Forever Young
Dr Uli Lange, Eickhoff Bergbautechnik, Germany, discusses the company’s continuous miner product range.
Break It Down
Bruce Daskivich, McLanahan, US, discusses the use of feeder breakers in underground mining, as well as the development of crawler-mounted feeder breakers in room-and-pillar mines.
It’s Time For Africa
John Scobbie and David Hickson, Sandvik Mining, South Africa, discuss new solutions for challenges faced by miners in South Africa.
Get Smart
Brian Thompson, Joy Global, US, explains the benefits of performance monitoring in a South African coal mine.
An Intelligent Approach
Joseph P. DuCarme, Office of Mine Safety & Health Research, part of the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, US, outlines the development of intelligent proximity detection technology for continuous mining machines in underground coal mines.
Knot Your Normal Mesh
Steve Tadolini, Anand Bhagwat and Justin Singleton, Orica, US, and Dale King, Bekaert, US, discuss developments in surface control in underground mining.
Positioned For The Future
Jonathan Rowland talked to Geoff Knox, global CEO of GE Mining, at this year’s China Coal and Mining Expo in Beijing about the company’s ambitions for the mining industry and its new products for the underground coal mining space.
Keeping Track Of Energy
Carsten Schmidt and Rudolf Traxler, Siemens Industrial Automation Systems, Germany, discuss transparent energy management at RAG Deutsche Steinkohle’s Auguste Victoria underground coal mine.
Protect And Serve
Tim Wylie, Ampcontrol, Australia, discusses the impact of variable speed drives on earth fault limited networks.
On The Line
Ben Faa, Realtime Instruments, Australia, explains how using online monitoring of coal quality reduced payment penalties and improved profitability at a thermal coal mine in Queensland, Australia.
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