New industrial valve for processing abrasive and corrosive substances
US based company Flowrox has announced the release of its new industrial valve, which can be used for processing abrasive and corrosive substances. The company has extensive experience in heavy-duty industrial valve manufacturing and service.
Flowrox is launching the pinch valve product, which is designed to enhance existing pipeline equipment and processes using the latest technology in fluid control.
The new PVG valve was developed to be used particularly in situations where abrasive or corrosive slurries, powders or coarse substances are processed. The valve has been engineered at full bore with no flow restrictions, allowing processes with abrasive or corrosive fluids to be practiced.
The company said that the main benefit to a full bore design is that the PVG valve itself becomes an integral part of the pipe and is able to process the same fluids in the harshest of conditions.
The valve is also designed as a full port fluid control device that allows a more efficient process, requiring less energy be used for pumping.
The reduction of head pressure that the valve provides helps to reduce pump costs and eliminates unnecessary turbulence in pipelines handling abrasive slurries, the company said.
Anthony Clark, vice president of sales at Flowrox, said: [The PVG valve] can be easily replaced onsite without major delays in operation.” He added that the product’s in-field flexibility was combined with a guaranteed long operational lifetime.
Elastic sleeve
At the core of the PVG valve is the elastic sleeve, which is the only part of the valve that remains in contact with the medium, as a way to reduce any potential corrosion or deterioration due to wear-and-tear, even when processing the most corrosive chemicals.
Older valves with years of operation are often based on fluid control technologies that do not incorporate the latest design efficiencies, leading to jamming or clogging – which often leads to expensive repairs.
Coal industry use
Todd Loudin, CEO of Flowrox Inc’s North American Operations, told World Coal: “The PVG valve is completely new but will be excellent for coal operations. For many years Flowrox has supplied valves to coal facilities. Usually coal facilities that have coal preparation plants are where our valves are found. We have supplied our PVE valves for coal splitter box control.”
“The PVG valve can be used almost anywhere in these facilities where tight shut-off of abrasive slurries, such as a coal slurry isolation or even on chemicals or contaminated water. In many mining operations, the calcium in the systems has a tendency to cause problems for other types of valve. However, our valves are completely resistant to calcium or other materials that tend to accumulate on valve internals. Flowrox valves are pretty much self-cleaning in scaling conditions. These valves are a reliable solution and also inexpensive, which are both often desired attributes for coal operations,” Loudin added.
Edited by Sam Dodson
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