Extreme weather damages shiploader at Queensland Bulk Handling terminal
Published by Harleigh Hobbs,
World Coal,
On the evening of Sunday 13 November 2016, an extreme weather event resulted in damage to the shiploader at New Hope Group’s wholly owned coal terminal, Queensland Bulk Handling in Australia.
The shiploader is currently inoperable. A preliminary assessment of the damage was undertaken on Monday 14 November 2016 and initial indications are that it could take several weeks for the shiploader to be repaired. During this time the terminal will not be capable of loading coal onto ships. The financial implications of this event are still being assessed, however delays to shipments due to this incident may result in lower sales for the current financial reporting period.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcoal.com/handling/16112016/extreme-weather-damages-shiplaoder-at-queensland-bulk-handling-terminal/
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