JENNCHEM marks 10 year anniversary
Published by John Williams,
Editorial Assistant
World Coal,
August 2019 marks the 10 year anniversary of JENNCHEM’s inception. From its beginnings in 2009, JENNCHEM has grown into an important figure in pumpable crib, cementitious grout, and polyurethane grout installation.
Prior to the company beginning operations, Tony Calandra had the vision to implement pumpable cribs, a technology that had not yet been perfected, as the standard for everyday use as standing support in underground coal mines.
The foundation of the company’s success started with the R&D into pumpable crib equipment technology and cement design. Alan Campoli had the idea to redesign the pump system, replacing a simple piston pump with progressive cavity flow pumps. The new design allowed the company to perform well in the industry. In addition to the new pumping system, the company’s research and development team tested different cement mixes to find the best solution for long distance pumping.
Bevan Thompson was instrumental in designing the company’s proprietary cement mix. Bevan relocated from Australia to Pittsburgh and worked diligently to produce the J-Crib and J-Seal formulas before returning to Australia. Fred Stafford helped build the workforce that the company employs today. Tony’s investment into technology and people has allowed J-Crib to become the industry standard pumpable cribs, while achieving pumping distances that weren’t thought to be possible along the way.
Over the years, the company has expanded its product line to include an array of seals, stoppings, and polyurethane grouts. Once again, Bevan was a key contributor to designing the J-Seal foaming cement and along with KMS went through the painstaking process of gaining a Federal approval. The approval was eventually awarded and the successful J-Seal division is now headed by Richard Adasiak. The company’s J-Seal division is capable of large-scale seal projects, void-fill, and cavity stabilisation while using an array of equipment to deliver solutions.
Polyurethane injection has grown as a complimentary product to the JENNMAR’s roof control products, and the company also offers roof injections, fully grouting of cable bolts, ring grouting of seals and foaming products.
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