NOI issued for funding opportunity to improve REE and CM recovery from coal resources
Published by Stephanie Roker,
World Coal,
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE) has issued a notice of intent (NOI) for a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) focused on recovering rare earth elements (REE) and critical materials (CM) from domestic coal resources, using novel and conventional extraction, separation and recovery processes.
DE-FOA-0002003, process scale-up and optimisation/efficiency improvements for REE and CM recovery from coal-based resources, will support FE’s Rare Earth Elements programme. The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) will manage these projects. It is anticipated that the FOA will target two areas of interest (AOIs).
Firstly, the production of REEs and CMs – transitioning and scale-up of novel extraction/separation concept development into bench-scale facility REE/CM production. Specifically, this AOI will focus on further development or scale-up of novel REE and CM extraction and separation concepts, leading to production of REEs and CMs in bench-scale facilities.
Secondly, production of REEs and CMs – transitioning and scale-up of conventional extraction/separation processes from bench-scale to pilot-scale facility REE/CM production. Specifically, this AOI will focus on further development or scale-up of bench-scale, conventional REE recovery processes, leading to the production of REEs and CMs in pilot-scale facilities.
The FOA is anticipated to be issued the second quarter of fiscal year 2019. Prospective applicants to the FOA should begin considering developing partnerships, formulating ideas, and gathering data in anticipation of its issuance. No applications will be accepted through the NOI, and all the information it contains is subject to change.
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