Adani comments on Black-Throated Finch Management Plan review
Published by Stephanie Roker,
World Coal,
“We’re disappointed that the Queensland Government has shifted the goal-posts on what’s required to start the Carmichael project,” says Adani.
“The Department of Environment and Science’s (the Department) decision to refer the Black-Throated Finch Management Plan to the Threatened Species Recovery Hub is extraordinary, considering they have been reviewing the plan themselves for more than 18 months and have black-throated finch experts on staff within their own department. Furthermore, the Queensland Government has now taken the inexplicable step of commissioning this supposedly independent review on the very same day that the Federal Department of Environment and Energy approved our Black Throated Finch Management Plan.
“The Department has not provided any explanation to Adani as to why the review is required, or the final timeframes attached to its completion. “We are extremely concerned that members of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub have repeatedly spoken publicly that they disagree with coal mining, offset management strategies and on occasion directly criticise the Carmichael project.
“We hold very serious concerns as to how the Threatened Species Recovery Hub could provide independent advice on the Black-Throated Finch Management Plan, when they are outspokenly biased on matters directly related to our project and coal more generally. On the face of evidence provided and available in the public domain it is apparent that this Hub is compromised and is incapable of providing an independent review.
“We are ready to start construction but we need clarity on what’s required to finalise these plans and the timeframes the Department will take to do it.
“All we want is for the Queensland Government to give us a fair go in line with every other Queensland mining company so we can get on with delivering the project, the jobs, and the benefits for Queensland.”
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