Botswana coal project has big potential
A-Cap Resources has received a positive study on its Bolau coal project in Botswana from Sedgman, which recommended further drilling and test work to estimate an inferred resource.
Sedgman was commissioned by A-Cap Resources to asses the potential for the Bolau project potential development. The study covered geological, engineering and marketing considerations.
The company first discovered coal horizons that appear to be on the up dip and down drip extensions of the 2.5 billion t Sese coal project.
“From our initial drilling results we knew the Bolau Coal Project had distinct advantages because the depth and size of the deposit,” chief executive officer Paul Thomson said.
“While we remain focused on continuing the development of our Letlhakane Uranium Deposit the new coal discoveries on Bolau and the higher quality coal defined at Mea, gives A-Cap options to develop these and add significant potential value to the company,” Thomson continued.
“In parallel we are seeing new short to medium rail infrastructure options being put in place between the governments of Botswana and South Africa which will open up new market opportunities for us,” Thomson added.
The Bolau Project is located on two tenements: PLs Foley PL125/2009 and Bolau PL138/2005.
A-Cap Resources has so far completed six RC holes and seven diamond holes at Bolau, at intersected coal horizons.
Drilling results returned an average coal thickness of 20 m in two seams, the upper at about 4 m and lower of 16 m.
In the discovery areas, the stratigraphic package dips shallowly towards the southwest at around 10 degrees. The shallowest intersections in the north of PL125/2009 are on holes F0006, F0007 and F0010 which intersect the basal coal seam at between 20 and 35 metres.
Based on the logged geology and the continuity of the coal horizons in the adjacent Sese Project, the coal is interpreted to be sub- bituminous thermal coal with potential to produce both domestic and export quality coal.
Analysis from Proactive Investors suggests that, while A-Cap’s focus is primarily on the Letlhakane Uranium deposit and higher quality coal at Mea, Sedgman’s study highlight’s the potential for Bolau to add significant further value.
The study from Sedgman is further good news for the Botswana coal industry, which has a number of big coal projects in the pipeline.
Edited from various sources by Sam Dodson
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