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Making Secondary Cleaning A Primary Objective

Published by , Editorial Assistant
World Coal,

It only makes sense that the precleaner, or primary belt cleaner, receives most of the attention in the world of conveyor belt cleaners.

Making Secondary Cleaning A Primary Objective

After all, they keep the most visible area of the belt conveying process clean and allow for the bulk of material flow to make it to the next section of the belt conveying process, often eliminating up to 70% of carryback directly at the source.

However, this begs the question: what about the rest of the carryback that is stuck to the belt?

Yes, there is no denying that a primary belt cleaner is a great first step. In fact, installing a primary cleaner to a conveyor system that currently has no belt cleaning process probably provides more value than any other solution could. However, this should not be the only belt cleaning measure taken by heavy-duty material conveying facilities. Of course, there are excellent solutions available outside of primary cleaners, with products such as wash boxes and brush cleaners, but those are often application-specific.

For another major value-added solution, coal facilities, among other heavy-duty industries, should consider utilising an additional useful tool: the secondary belt cleaner.

What is a secondary belt cleaner?

After material is dispensed at the head pulley, there is often excess build-up that sticks to the belt and continues to flow through the belt conveying system. Generally speaking, this unwanted residue is referred to as ‘carryback’.

On the surface, carryback does not seem to be such a big problem, but there are huge long-term consequences, especially if steps are not taken to eliminate it from continually being conveyed through the underside of the system. From production loss, belt damage, safety concerns, and even major financial implications, carryback wreaks major havoc.

The best way to combat the negative effects of carryback for a heavy-duty belt conveying system is to implement secondary belt cleaners.

Located either at six o’clock of or just beyond the head pulley and potentially at other areas down the return side of the belt, the secondary belt cleaner removes excess material on the belt that was missed by the primary cleaner.

When site managers combine both primary and secondary cleaners, they can see an immediate impact. Most cleaning systems estimate that this combination removes over 90% of carryback, vastly improving cleaning efficiency.

Major benefits of secondary belt cleaners

There is no doubt that installing secondary belt cleaners provides an overwhelming amount of benefit to heavy-duty material conveying facilities. Whether a site is looking to cut costs on production, limit the likelihood of receiving fines, or create a safer overall environment, a great first (rather, secondary) step would be to consider a secondary belt cleaner.

Negating product loss

Material that is not properly conveyed at the head pulley is material that a site cannot use, and therefore cannot make money off of. A secondary cleaner helps to ensure that material is being disposed of at the right point and time of the belt conveying process, allowing users to get a real hold of their production. As mentioned previously, the combination of primary and secondary cleaners can reduce over 90% of carryback for belt conveyors. This is a product that would once be rendered useless or become a general nuisance, but is now able to perform its intended function.

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