New refined coal installations in Q4 2013
Clean Coal Solutions (CCS) a joint venture between ADA-ES, NexGen Resources Corp. and an affiliate of Goldman Sachs, has received notices to proceed and is scheduled to begin long-term operations of two refined coal (RC) facilities using M-45-PC technology. This technology adds two components directly coal just before the crusher to improve cyclone bottom-slag flow and reduce mercury emissions.
Refined coal: M-45-PC technology
The equipment is being installed at the plants and permitting is underway, with both facilities scheduled to begin full-time operations in Q4 2013. The company expects these two RC facilities to produce a combined total of 9 million t of RC in a typical year. In addition, CCS is negotiating with four other power plants to use the M-45-PC technology on pulverised coal boilers.
CCS also recently installed its first RC facility on a cyclone boiler firing bituminous coal. According to the company, this is a significant milestone as it potentially opens up the market to non-Western coals. This RC facility, which is capable of producing over 6 million tpa, will initially be operated on a temporary basis for several weeks in Q4 2013 to generate additional data needed for a permanent operating permit. The company expects full-time operation in early 2014. Two additional RC facilities at cyclone boilers burning PRB coal are scheduled to begin full-time operations before year-end.
In total, the five RC united scheduled to go into operation in Q4 2013 a located at power plants that have historically burned 22 million tpa of coal.
Adapted from press release by Jonathan Rowland
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