Wollongong Coal appoints Chief Operation Officer
Published by Louise Mulhall,
Editorial Assistant
World Coal,
The Directors of Wollongong Coal Limited have announced that Mr Wayne Sly has been appointed as the Chief Operating Officer of the company effective from 1 May 2017.
Mr Wayne Sly is a mining engineer with over 37 years; experience in the Australian and International Coal Mining Industry. He gained his early mining experience in the Illawarra, spending 14 years in the distruct working at a number of collieries, including Coalcliff, Westcliff and Tahmoor rising to the position of Production Manager at both Coalcliff and Westcliff. He holds the statutory competency of Mine Manager (Underground Coal) in NSW and QLD. He has returned to the district regularly, completing a variety of assignments at BHPB, Glencore and Peabody Energy operations. He has gained valuable insight into the operating issues in the district, well understands the requirement for responsible and sustainable operations and delivering value to the community, stakeholders and shareholders.
Mr. Sly further developed his knowledge and experience in mine design and construction in NSW, QLD, India and Indonesia. He has held senior positioned in mining operations in QLD, NSW and the US. He has worked as s Technical Consultant for a number of engineering companies. He has held senior positions in a number of contracting companies. He has represented Australia at a Pacific Forum on Mine Rehabilitation and Closure. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Sly completed an assignment in Spain, leading a project improvement process on a major underground mine access project for ICL (Israeli Company.) The mine is in a historic and environmentally sensitive area of norther Spain.
Mr. Sly brings a wide suite of skills and experience to the role. Mr. Sly will lead the company to progress both its short term and long term plans for its operations in Illawarra.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldcoal.com/coal/04052017/wollongong-coal-appoints-chief-operation-officer/
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