VIDEO: Building CBM wells with Dart Energy
The construction of wells in coalbed methane (CBM) fields is vital to the CBM industry. They are needed in order to identify, test and also produce CBM. They are designed and constructed using proven procedures and equipment, and represent a major investment by CBM companies. A number of design considerations must be kept in mind when planning a well, for example, they must be isolated from isolated geological strata, including overlying aquifers.
World Coal recently reported on the difficulties in drilling wells and developing CBM resources due to difficult geological and topographical features in an area.
Dart Energy, which recently delayed its proposal to drill 22 boreholes across Scotland’s Lethan Moss until after the independence referendum, has detailed the process undertaken in the construction of a CBM appraisal well, in an easy-to-understand video.
In a statement, the company said: “Protection of the environment both above ground and below ground are high priorities for Dart Energy. We pride ourselves on employing high safety and drilling standards that ensure aquifers are protected while minimising our overall environmental footprint. The animated video offers a clear and simple explanation of how wells are drilled and the different stages involved in progressing a CBM licence to commercial production.”
Dart Energy’s 10 production wells at Lethan Moss have been appraised as having the potential to produce between 9 – 14 billion ft3 of methane over the next 20 years.
Edited by Sam Dodson
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