Indian government has allocated 75 coal mines
The Indian government has so far allocated 75 coal mines to end users under the provisions of the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act.
The Indian government has so far allocated 75 coal mines to end users under the provisions of the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act.
Coal production at South32’s South Africa Energy Coal subsidiary fell 8% in the 2016 financial year
Dr Chris Rawlings will be appointed as Interim Executive Chairman of Carbon Energy, while it continues its searches for a permanent CEO and Managing Director.
South32’s Illawarra Metallurgical Coal production fell 5% year-on-year despite record production in the final quarter.
CNX Coal Resources has reported its strongest coal shipments since the beginning of 2015 in 2Q16.
The Queensland government’s Chief Scientist confirms Carbon Energy successfully met key recommendations from the ISP for underground coal gasification.