Universal exports first coal from Kangala
Universal Coal has confirmed the first export of thermal coal from its Kangala Colliery in South Africa.
Universal Coal has confirmed the first export of thermal coal from its Kangala Colliery in South Africa.
Higher political ambition is necessary to make carbon pricing work, according to Thomson Reuters Point Carbon.
Peabody Energy has modified its third quarter 2014 earnings expectations, in light of improved coal operations.
The Carbon Tracker Initiative has released new research, which identifies major financial risks for investors in coal producers.
BREE has forecast a positive outlook for the Queensland resources sector, despite the negative activist coal and gas divestment campaign.
India’s Supreme Court has cancelled 214 of the 218 coal mining licences awarded since 1993.
Adaro Energy has agreed to renegotiate the Coal Cooperation Agreement with the Indonesian government.
Over 200 Polish miners have blocked trains carrying coal from Russia at a border in northern Poland, Reuters reports.