Weekly coal news highlights: 8 – 12 February 2016
A round-up of some of this week's key news items from the international coal industry, from the latest mining updates to outlooks on the US Supreme Court stay of the Clean Power Plan.
A round-up of some of this week's key news items from the international coal industry, from the latest mining updates to outlooks on the US Supreme Court stay of the Clean Power Plan.
Teck Resources reports unaudited fourth quarter results for 2015.
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes indicates SCOTUS Decision to halt EPA Clean Power Plan recognises the dramatic impact it would have on the state.
The House Energy and Power Subcommittee has discussed a bill to lessen EPA regulatory impact on the coal industry.
Eggborough’s 2000 MW coal-fired power plant, UK, has announced the signing of a contract with National Grid, enabling the plant to stay open until March 2017.
According to Clean Coal Technologies Inc., the temporary halting of Obama's climate policy could hasten adoption of its proven new coal technology for US coal and energy industries.