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Palladian Publications Ltd employees take on laborious race for charity


World Coal,

Last week, employees from Palladian Publications Ltd, a publishing house with leading B2B magazine titles in the energy and cement industries, ran a 10 km race in the cold, wet Surrey countryside to raise money for charity.

Managing Director Rod Hardy, who earlier this year completed the London Marathon, spearheaded the campaign, which saw the employees including editorial members of World Cement and World Pipelines, complete the muddy, off-road course early on Sunday morning.

With donations from friends and family, and the support of co-workers, the Palladian Lions team managed to raise over £500 in support of Shooting Star CHASE, a local children’s hospice. The charity cares for local families with a child or teenager with a life-limiting condition, and currently helps over 600 families living in western London, Surrey and West Sussex.

With the run completed and the fundraising target met, a new challenge for 2013 is sought to motivate the team behind the leading magazines to continue on track, even if it sometimes means off-road.

Written by Cecilia Rehn.