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Abbott opens Caval Ridge coal mine


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World Coal,

The prime minister of Australia, Tony Abbott, has officially opened BHP Billiton’s Caval Ridge metallurgical coal mine in Queensland. The US$ 3.4 billion mine will initially produce up to 5.5 million tpa of premium quality metallurgical coal and is the company’s eighth operation in the region, creating 500 jobs.

“Coal is vital for the future energy needs of the world,” the prime minister said during the opening ceremony. “So let’s have no demonisation of coal. Coal is good for humanity.”

“Today’s opening […] is a significant milestone for BHP Billiton,” said Dean Dalla Valle, president of BHP’s coal business. “The operation has been constructed with the latest technology to be one of the most productive, sustainable and highly performing metallurgical coal mines in the world.”

“Energy efficiency is a key focus for the mine and was built into its design and management system,” Dalla Valle continued. “This includes the use of highly efficient equipment and the optimisation of truck, shovel and dragline movements. Since commencing operation, the Caval Ridge team has already achieved an Australian record for the amount of overburden moved by a shovel in one week.”

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