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A major permit milestone for Prairie Mining


Published by
World Coal,

Following the approval of Prairie Mining’s Geological Documentation by the Polish Government, Prairie has announced that it has secured the exclusive right – valid for three years – to apply for and consequently be granted a Mining Concession for the Lublin coal project.

Prairie will begin work on the Mining Concession application and anticipates submitting the application to the government in 2016.

Commenting on the news, Ben Stoikovich, Prairie’s CEO, said: “We are delighted with the approval, which represents a major permitting milestone for the company, triggering the Exclusive Right for Prairie to be granted a Mining Concession for the Lublin coal project. We are now the only entity that can be granted a Mining Concession for this multi-generational, low-operating cost coal project, which will provide Europe with a strategic, local and secure source of supply for the steel and energy industries. We are working to complete the Pre-Feasibility Study for the Project during 2015 and also to complete the necessary components of a Mining Concession application, which we expect to submit in 2016.”

Edited from Press Release by Harleigh Hobbs


Polish gov’t rejects Bogdanka appeal

The Polish Ministry of Environment has rejected Bogdanka’s appeal over a decision not to award it a mining concession over an existing concession owned by Prairie Mining.